Working remotely, managing remote teams, and for many, doing so while homeschooling and caregiving, has forced us to embrace and prioritize our humanity. The skills to communicate with empathy and build connection will be as critical as building our digital fluency, agility, and operational skills, and organizations will need to focus on helping teams and leaders rebuild and strengthen these core connection practices.
Strategies to Simplify
The loss of control over our work and social lives, and trying to keep up with all our obligations despite big shifts in our routines, work spaces, and connections puts many of us at risk for serious burnout. Leaders must manage their energy and create the right physical and mental space to think critically, listen fully, and sustain their well-being and effectiveness, while supporting their teams to do the same. These are strategies that can help.
3 Ways to Find Clarity in the Chaos
The early days of the pandemic were confusing, but we had adrenalin, novelty and the panic of crisis driving us forward. Now, as we wonder what’s next, where to focus our waning energy and how to control our fate, there are a few key practices that can help us find the clarity we need to shape the path ahead.
Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
Embracing Your Team's Emotional Landscape
As we hit the middle of summer, without a firm plan for schools and worries about the safety of re-opening, leaders and teams need to acknowledge the emotional, human, realities they are facing. Carrying all of this in the background, or worse, covering it up, sucks up energy and interferes with our ability to be present and fully engaged…